Download Excel File List of Prime Ministers of Czech Republic


This contains list of 11 Prime Ministers of Czech Republic.

This is a list of Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic (Czech: Předseda vlády České republiky), a political office that was created in 1993 following the dissolution of Czechoslovakia. The Czech Republic is a parliamentary representative democracy, with the Prime Minister acting as head of government and the President acting as head of state. The first Prime Minister of the Czech Republic was Václav Klaus, who served as the second President from March 7, 2003 til March 7, 2013.
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Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (1990-1992),,,,,,,,No.,Name,Term of Office,,,Political Party,Cabinet,,National Council,(Born-Died),Took Office,Left Office,Days,,,,6,Petr Pithart,06-Feb-90,29-Jun-90,877,Civic Forum,I,KS?  ?SL  OF,5 (  ),(born 1941),,,,(OF),,,,,29-Jun-90,02-Jul-92,,OF later replaced by OH,II,OF  HSD-SMS  ?SL,6 (1990),,,,,,,OF later replaced by OH and ODS,Czech Republic (1993-Present),,,,,,,,1,Vclav Klaus,02-Jul-92,04-Jul-96,2010,Civic Democratic Party,I,ODS  KDU-?SL  ODA  KDS,1 (1992),(born 1941),04-Jul-96,02-Jan-98,,(ODS),II,ODS  KDU-?SL  ODA,2 (1996)2,Josef Toovsk,02-Jan-98,22-Jul-98,201,Independent,I,ODS  KDU-?SL  ODA,2 (  ),(born 1950),,,,,,ODS later replaced by US,3,Milo Zeman,22-Jul-98,15-Jul-02,1454,Czech Social Democratic Party,I,?SSD,3 (1998),(born 1944),,,,(?SSD),,,4,Vladimr pidla,15-Jul-02,04-Aug-04,751,Czech Social Democratic Party,I,?SSD  KDU-?SL  USDEU,4 (2002),(born 1951),,,,(?SSD),,,5,Stanislav Gross,04-Aug-04,25-Apr-05,264,Czech Social Democratic Party,I,?SSD  KDU-?SL  USDEU,4 (  ),(born 1969),,,,(?SSD),,,6,Ji? Paroubek,25-Apr-05,04-Sep-06,497,Czech Social Democratic Party,I,?SSD  KDU-?SL  USDEU,4 (  ),(born 1952),,,,(?SSD),,,7,Mirek Topolnek,04-Sep-06,09-Jan-07,977,Civic Democratic Party,I,ODS,5 (2006),(born 1956),09-Jan-07,08-May-09,,(ODS),II,ODS  KDU-?SL  SZ,5 (  )8,Jan Fischer,08-May-09,13-Jul-10,431,Independent,I,No party,5 (  ),(born 1951),,,,,,,9,Petr Ne?as,13-Jul-10,10-Jul-13,1093,Civic Democratic Party,I,ODS  TOP 09  VV,6 (2010),(born 1964),,,,(ODS),,VV later replaced by LIDEM,10,Ji? Rusnok,10-Jul-13,29-Jan-14,203,Independent,I,?SSD  KDU?SL,6 (  ),(born 1960),,,,,,?SSD exited cabinet,11,Bohuslav Sobotka,29-Jan-14,Incumbent,16,Czech Social Democratic Party,I,?SSD  ANO 2011  KDU?SL,7 (2013),(born 1971),,,,(?SSD),,,,,,,,,,,For other more formats kindly visit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Original source :,,,,,,,,