Download Excel File List of Parishes of Jamaica


This list contains information about all 14 parishes of Jamaica, including details such as their capital, area, population. The list is provided in various file formats, such as MS Excel, CSV, PDF, and a compressed file containing all formats.

  • Jamaica is divided into 14 parishes.
  • Each parish has its own unique history, culture, and attractions.
  • The parishes are Kingston, St. Andrew, St. Catherine, Clarendon, Manchester, St. Elizabeth, Westmoreland, Hanover, St. James, Trelawny, St. Ann, St. Mary, Portland, and St. Thomas.
  • The parishes are further divided into 63 electoral constituencies.
  • Some of the most famous attractions in Jamaica are located in specific parishes, such as the Blue Mountains in St. Andrew, the historic Port Royal in Kingston, and the Dunn's River Falls in St. Ann.
  • Visitors to Jamaica can explore the different parishes to experience the island's diverse landscapes, traditions, and cuisine.
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S.No.,County,Parish,Capital,Population Census 2011,Area km21,Cornwall County,Hanover,Lucea,"69,533",450.42,Cornwall County,Saint Elizabeth,Black River,"150,205","1,212.4"3,Cornwall County,Saint James,Montego Bay,"183,811",594.94,Cornwall County,Trelawny,Falmouth,"75,164",874.65,Cornwall County,Westmoreland,Savanna-la-Mar,"144,103",807.06,Middlesex County,Clarendon,May Pen,"245,103","1,169.3"7,Middlesex County,Manchester,Mandeville,"189,797",830.18,Middlesex County,Saint Ann,Saint Ann's Bay,"172,362","1,212.6"9,Middlesex County,Saint Catherine,Spanish Town,"516,218","1,192.4"10,Middlesex County,Saint Mary,Port Maria,"113,615",610.511,Surrey County,Kingston Parish,Kingston,"89,057",21.812,Surrey County,Portland,Port Antonio,"81,744",814.013,Surrey County,Saint Andrew,Half Way Tree,"573,369",430.714,Surrey County,Saint Thomas,Morant Bay,"93,902",742.8,,,,,,,,,,