China is divided into provinces as its first level of administrative government. Provinces are divided into prefectures as its second level of administrative government. Prefectures are further divided into counties as third level. Counties are further subdivided into township. Township are further subdivided into villages as its fifth level of administrative division.
S.No,Region,Area,Population -2010,Population Density1,East China,"795,837sq. Km","38,43,64,968",483/sq. Km2,North China,"1,556,061sq. Km","16,48,23,226",105/sq. Km3,Northeast China,"793,300sq. Km","10,95,20,844",138/sq. Km4,Northwest China,"3,107,701sq. Km","9,66,44,038",60/sq. Km5,South Central China,"1,014,354","38,35,59,808",378 sq.km6,Southwest China,"2,365,900sq. Km","19,29,79,243",82/sq. Km,,,,"For more information, kindly visit : ",,,,