This contains 97 Presidents of Peru.
SNo,President,Took office,Left office,Title,Form of entry1,Jos de San Martn,"July 28, 1821 "," September 20, 1822",Protector of Peru,Indirect elections2,Francisco de Luna Pizarro,"September 20, 1822 "," September 22, 1822",Interim caretaker,Indirect elections3,Jos La Mar,"September 22, 1822 "," February 27, 1823",President of the Government Junta,Elected by Congress4,"Jos Bernardo de Tagle, Marquis of Torre-Tagle","February 27, 1823 "," February 28, 1823",Interim caretaker,Indirect elections5,Jos de la Riva Agero,"February 28, 1823 "," June 23, 1823",,Elected by Congress6,Antonio Jos de Sucre,"June 23, 1823 "," July 17, 1823",,Elected by Congress7,"Jos Bernardo de Tagle, Marquis of Torre-Tagle","July 17, 1823 "," February 17, 1824",Supreme Delegate,Elected by Congress8,Simn Bolvar,"February 17, 1824 "," January 28, 1827",,Elected by Congress9,Andrs de Santa Cruz,"January 28, 1827 "," June 9, 1827",President of the Government Council,Elected by Congress10,Manuel Salazar y Baqujano,"June 9, 1827 "," August 22, 1827",Interim caretaker,Elected by Congress11,Jos La Mar,"August 22, 1827 "," June 7, 1829",,Direct Elections12,Antonio Gutirrez de la Fuente,"June 7, 1829 "," September 1, 1829",,Coup d'tat13,Agustn Gamarra,"September 1, 1829 "," December 20, 1833",,Elected by Congress14,Francisco Xavier de Luna Pizarro,"December 20, 1833 "," December 21, 1833",Interim caretaker,Elected by Congress15,Luis Jos de Orbegoso y Moncada,"December 21, 1833 "," August 11, 1836",,Elected by Congress16,Pedro Pablo Bermdez[2],"January 4, 1833 "," April 24, 1834",Provisional Supreme Ruler,Coup d'tat17,Felipe Santiago Salaverry[3],"February 23, 1835 "," February 7, 1836",Supreme Legislator,Coup d'tat18,Andrs de Santa Cruz[4],"August 11, 1836 "," August 25, 1838",Supreme Protector of the Confederation,19,Agustn Gamarra,"August 25, 1838 "," November 18, 1841",,Elected by Congress20,Manuel Menndez,"November 18, 1841 "," August 16, 1842",President of the Government Council,Interim caretaker21,Juan Crisstomo Torrico,"August 16, 1842 "," October 17, 1842",,Coup d'tat22,Juan Francisco de Vidal[5],"October 17, 1842 "," March 15, 1843",,Coup d'tat23,Justo Figuerola,"March 15, 1843 "," March 20, 1843",,Coup d'tat24,Manuel Ignacio de Vivanco,"March 20, 1843 "," June 17, 1844",,Self-proclaimed President25,Domingo Nieto,"March 20, 1843 "," February 17, 1844",President of the Government Junta - Grand Marshal of Per,Elected by the Government Junta26,Ramn Castilla,"February 17, 1844 "," August 10, 1844",,Elected in place of Domingo Nieto27,Domingo Elas,"June 17, 1844 "," August 10, 1844",,Self-proclaimed President28,Manuel Menndez,"August 10, 1844 "," August 11, 1844",President of the Government Council,Interim caretaker29,Justo Figuerola,"August 11, 1844 "," October 7, 1844",,Coup d'tat30,Manuel Menndez,"October 7, 1844 "," April 20, 1845",President of the Government Council,Interim caretaker31,Ramn Castilla,"April 20, 1845 "," April 20, 1851",,Direct Elections32,Jos Rufino Echenique,"April 20, 1851 "," January 5, 1855",,Direct Elections33,Ramn Castilla,"January 5, 1855 "," October 24, 1862",,Coup d'tat Direct Elections34,Miguel de San Romn,"October 24, 1862 "," April 3, 1863",,Direct Elections35,Ramn Castilla,"April 3, 1863 "," April 9, 1863",,Revolution Selfproclaimed President36,Pedro Diez Canseco,"April 3, 1863 "," August 5, 1863",Second Vicepresident,Interim caretaker37,Juan Antonio Pezet,"August 5, 1863 "," April 25, 1865",First Vicepresident,38,Mariano Ignacio Prado,"April 25, 1865 "," June 24, 1865",,Coup d'tat39,Juan Antonio Pezet,"June 24, 1865 "," November 8, 1865",,40,Pedro Diez Canseco,"November 8, 1865 "," November 28, 1865",,Interim caretaker41,Mariano Ignacio Prado,"November 28, 1865 "," January 8, 1868",,Direct Elections42,Pedro Diez Canseco,"January 8, 1868 "," August 2, 1868",,Interim caretaker43,Jos Balta,"August 2, 1868 "," July 22, 1872",,Direct Elections44,Toms Gutirrez,"July 22, 1872 "," July 26, 1872",Supreme Leader of the Nation,Coup d'tat45,Francisco Diez Canseco,"July 26, 1872 "," July 27, 1872",,Interim caretaker46,Mariano Herencia Zevallos,"July 27, 1872 "," August 2, 1872",,Interim caretaker47,Manuel Pardo,"August 2, 1872 "," August 2, 1876",,Direct Elections48,Mariano Ignacio Prado,"August 2, 1876 "," December 23, 1879",,Direct Elections49,Nicols de Pirola,"December 23, 1879 "," November 28, 1881",Commander in Chief of the State,Coup d'tat50,Francisco Garca Caldern,"March 12, 1881 "," September 28, 1881",Provisional President of the Republic,Elected by Congress Chilean Occupation (Lima)51,Lizardo Montero Flores,"September 28, 1881 "," November 6, 1881",Provisional President of the Republic,Elected by Congress Chilean Occupation (Arequipa)52,Andrs Avelino Cceres,"November 6, 1881 "," December 25, 1882",President of the Republic,Self-proclaimed Chilean Occupation (Central Peru)53,Miguel Iglesias,"November 6, 1881 "," December 25, 1882",Regenerator President of the Republic,Elected by Congress Chilean Occupation (Cajamarca)54,Antonio Arenas,"December 3, 1885 "," June 5, 1886",President of the Government Junta,Interim caretaker55,Andrs Avelino Cceres,"June 5, 1886 "," August 10, 1890",Constitutional President,Direct Elections56,Remigio Morales Bermdez,"August 10, 1890 "," April 1, 1894",Constitutional President,Direct Elections57,Justiniano Borgoo,"April 1, 1894 "," August 10, 1894",President of the Government Junta,Interim caretaker58,Andrs Avelino Cceres,"August 10, 1894 "," March 20, 1895",Constitutional President,Direct Elections59,Manuel Candamo,"March 20, 1895 "," September 8, 1895",President of the Government Junta,Interim caretaker60,Nicols de Pirola,"September 8, 1895 "," September 8, 1899",Constitutional President,Direct Elections61,Eduardo Lpez de Romaa,"September 8, 1899 "," September 8, 1903",Constitutional President,Direct Elections62,Manuel Candamo,"September 8, 1903 "," May 7, 1904",Constitutional President,Direct Elections63,Serapio Caldern,"May 7, 1904 "," September 24, 1904",President of the Government Junta,Interim caretaker64,Jos Pardo y Barreda,"September 24, 1904 "," September 24, 1908",Constitutional President,Direct Elections65,Augusto B. Legua y Salcedo,"September 24, 1908 "," September 24, 1912",Constitutional President,Direct Elections66,Guillermo Billinghurst,"September 24, 1912 "," February 4, 1914",Constitutional President,Direct Elections67,scar Benavides,"February 4, 1914 "," August 18, 1915",,Coup d'tat68,Jos Pardo y Barreda,"August 18, 1915 "," July 4, 1919",Constitutional President,Direct Elections69,Augusto B. Legua y Salcedo,"July 4, 1919 "," August 25, 1930",Constitutional President,Direct Elections (Coup d'tat)70,Manuel Mara Ponce Brousset,"August 25, 1930 "," August 27, 1930",,Interim caretaker71,Luis Miguel Snchez Cerro,"August 27, 1930 "," March 1, 1931",President of the Provisional Government Junta,Coup d'tat72,Ricardo Leoncio Elas Arias,"March 1, 1931 "," March 5, 1931",President of the Provisional Government Junta,Coup d'tat73,Gustavo Jimnez,"March 5, 1931 "," March 11, 1931",President of the Provisional Government Junta,Coup d'tat74,David Samanez Ocampo,"March 11, 1931 "," December 8, 1931",President of the Southern Junta,Interim caretaker75,Luis Miguel Snchez Cerro,"December 8, 1931 "," April 30, 1933",Constitutional President,Direct Elections76,scar Benavides,"April 30, 1933 "," December 8, 1939",Constitutional President,Elected by Congress77,Manuel Prado y Ugarteche,"December 8, 1939 "," July 28, 1945",Constitutional President,Direct Elections78,Jos Bustamante y Rivero,"July 28, 1945 "," October 29, 1948",Constitutional President,Direct Elections79,Manuel A. Odra,"October 29, 1948 "," June 1, 1950",,Coup d'tat80,Zenn Noriega Agero,"June 1, 1950 "," July 28, 1950",,Interim caretaker81,Manuel A. Odra,"July 28, 1950 "," July 28, 1956",Constitutional President,Direct Elections82,Manuel Prado y Ugarteche,"July 28, 1956 "," July 18, 1962",Constitutional President,Direct Elections83,Ricardo Prez Godoy,"July 18, 1962 "," March 3, 1963",1st President of the Military Junta,Coup d'tat84,Nicols Lindley Lpez,"March 3, 1963 "," July 28, 1963",2nd President of the Military Junta,Coup d'tat85,Fernando Belande Terry,"July 28, 1963 "," October 3, 1968",Constitutional President,Direct Elections86,Juan Velasco Alvarado,"October 3, 1968 "," August 30, 1975",1st President of the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces,Coup d'tat87,Francisco Morales Bermdez,"August 30, 1975 "," July 28, 1980",2nd President of the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces,Coup d'tat88,Fernando Belande Terry,"July 28, 1980 "," July 28, 1985",Constitutional President,Direct Elections89,Alan Garca Prez,"July 28, 1985 "," July 28, 1990",Constitutional President,Direct Elections90,Alberto Fujimori,"July 28, 1990 "," April 5, 1992",Constitutional President,Direct Elections91,Alberto Fujimori,"April 5, 1992 "," July 28, 1995",De facto President,Self-Coup d'tat92,Alberto Fujimori,"July 28, 1995 "," July 28, 2000",Constitutional President,Direct Elections93,Alberto Fujimori,"July 28, 2000 "," November 22, 2000",Constitutional President,Direct Elections94,Valentn Paniagua,"November 22, 2000 "," July 28, 2001",President of Transition Government,Interim caretaker[7]95,Alejandro Toledo,"July 28, 2001 "," July 28, 2006",Constitutional President,Direct Elections96,Alan Garca Prez,"July 28, 2006 "," July 28, 2011",Constitutional President,Direct Elections97,Ollanta Humala,"July 28, 2011 ", present,Constitutional President,Direct Elections,,,,,"For more information, kindly visit : ",,,,,