Download Excel File List of Presidents of Portugal


This contains list of 19 Presidents of Portugal.

The complete list of Presidents of the Portuguese Republic consists of the 20 heads of state in the history of Portugal since the October 5, 1910 revolution that installed a republican regime. This list includes not only those persons who were sworn into office as President of Portugal but also those who de facto served as head of state since 1910. This is the case of Teófilo Braga who served as President of the Provisional Government after the republican coup d'état. Also Sidónio Pais, Mendes Cabeçadas, Gomes da Costa, as well as Canto e Castro and Óscar Carmona in their early months, were not sworn into office as the President of the Republic, usually being the President of the Ministry (Prime Minister), but de facto accumulation this functions with that of the Head of State. See the notes for more information.
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Provisional Government of the Republic (19101911),,,,,,,,,,Term,#,President,Took office,Left office,Party,,(BirthDeath),,,-,-,Tefilo Braga,"October 5, 1910","August 24, 1911",Republican,,(18431924),,,First Republic (19111926),,,,,,,,,,1,1,Manuel de Arriaga,"August 24, 1911","May 26, 1915[R]",Republican,,(18401917),,,later Democratic1,2,Tefilo Braga,"May 29, 1915","August 5, 1915",Democratic,,(18431924),,,2,3,Bernardino Machado,"August 6, 1915","December 5, 1917[C]",Democratic,,(18511944),,,2,4,Sidnio Pais,"April 28, 1918","December 14, 1918[A]",National Republican,,(18721918),,,"or ""Sidonist"""2,5,Joo do Canto e Castro,"December 14, 1918","October 5, 1919",National Republican,,(18621934),,,"or ""Sidonist"""3,6,Antnio Jos de Almeida,"October 5, 1919","October 5, 1923",Evolutionist Republican,,(18661929),,,later Liberal Republican4,7,Manuel Teixeira Gomes,"October 6, 1923","December 11, 1925[R]",Democratic,,(18601941),,,4,8,Bernardino Machado (2nd time),"December 11, 1925","May 31, 1926[C]",Democratic,,(18511944),,,Second Republic (19261974),,,,,,,,,,Ditadura Nacional (National Dictatorship) (19261932),,,,,-,9,Jos Mendes Cabeadas,"May 31, 1926","June 19, 1926[C]",Military officer,,(18831965),,,-,10,Gomes da Costa,"June 19, 1926","July 9, 1926[C]",Military officer,,(18631929),,,-,11,scar Carmona,"July 9, 1926","April 15, 1928",Military officer,,(18691951),,,Estado Novo  New State (19321974),,,,,1,11,scar Carmona,"April 15, 1928","April 26, 1935",Military officer2,,(18691951),"April 26, 1935","April 15, 1942","since 1932, National Union"3,,,"April 15, 1942","April 20, 1949",4,,,"April 20, 1949","April 18, 1951[D]",,-,Antnio de Oliveira Salazar (interim),"April 18, 1951","July 21, 1951",National Union,,(18891970),,,5,12,Francisco Craveiro Lopes,"July 21, 1951","August 9, 1958",National Union,,(18941964),,,6,13,Amrico Toms,"August 9, 1958","August 9, 1965",National Union7,,(18941987),"August 9, 1965","August 9, 1972",since 1968 Popular National Action8,,,"August 9, 1972","April 25, 1974[C]",Third Republic (Democracy) (1974Present),,,,,,,,,,Presidents appointed in the aftermath of the Carnation Revolution (1974-1976),,,,,-,14,Antnio de Spnola,"May 15, 1974","September 30, 1974[R]",Military officer,,(19101996),,,-,15,Francisco da Costa Gomes,"September 30, 1974","July 13, 1976",Military officer,,(19142001),,,Presidents elected under the Constitution of the Republic (1976-present),,,,,1,16,Antnio Ramalho Eanes,"July 14, 1976","March 9, 1981",Military officer2,,(1935),"March 9, 1981","March 9, 1986",Military officer,,,,,later Democratic Renewal3,17,Mrio Soares,"March 9, 1986","March 9, 1991",Socialist4,,(1924),"March 9, 1991","March 9, 1996",5,18,Jorge Sampaio,"March 9, 1996","March 9, 2001",Socialist6,,(1939),"March 9, 2001","March 9, 2006",7,19,Anbal Cavaco Silva,"\March 9, 2006","March 9, 2011",Social Democratic8,,(1939),"March 9, 2011",Incumbent,,,,,,For other more formats kindly visit,,,,,,,,,,Original source :,,,,,