Download Excel File List of World Heritage Sites in Croatia


This contains list of seven World Heritage Sites of Croatia.

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SNo,Name,Location,UNESCO data,Description1,Plitvice Lakes National Park,Plitvi?ka Jezera,98; 1979;,"Over time, water has flown over the natural limestone and chalk, creating natural dams which in turn have created a series of connecting lakes, waterfalls and caves. The nearby forests are home to bears, wolves and many rare bird species.",,,"Natural; (vii, viii, ix)",2,Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian,Split,97; 1979;,"The palace was built by the Roman emperor Diocletian at the turn of the fourth century AD, and later served as the basis of the city of Split. A cathedral was built in the Middle Ages inside the ancient mausoleum, along with churches, fortifications, Gothic and Renaissance palaces. The Baroque style makes up the rest of the area.",,,"Cultural; (ii, iii, iv)",3,Old City of Dubrovnik,Dubrovnik,95; 1979;,"Dubrovnik became a prosperous Maritime Republic during the Middle Ages, it became the only eastern Adriatic city-state to rival Venice. Supported by its wealth and skilled diplomacy, the city achieved a remarkable level of development, particularly during the 15th and 16th centuries.",,,"Cultural; (i, iii, iv)",4,Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the Historic Centre of Pore?,Pore?,809; 1997;,"The episcopal complex, with its striking mosaics dating back to the 6th century, is one of the best examples of early Byzantine art and architecture in the Mediterranean region and the world. It includes the basilica itself, a sacristy, a baptistery and the bell tower of the nearby archbishop's palace.",,,"Cultural; (ii, iv)",5,Historic city of Trogir,Trogir,810; 1997;,"Trogir's rich culture was created under the influence of old Greeks, Romans, and Venetians. It is the best-preserved Romanesque-Gothic complex not only in the Adriatic, but in all of Central Europe. Trogir's medieval core, surrounded by walls, comprises a preserved castle and tower and a series of dwellings and palaces from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods.",,,"Cultural; (ii, iv)",6,Cathedral of Saint James,ibenik,963; 2000;,The cathedral is a triple-nave basilica with three apses and a dome (32 m high inside) and is also one of the most important architectural monument of the Renaissance the eastern Adriatic.,,,"Cultural; (i, ii, iv)",7,Stari Grad Plain,Hvar,1240; 2008;,"The Stari Grad Plain is an agricultural landscape that was set up by the ancient Greek colonists in the 4th century BC, and remains in use today. The plain is generally still in its original form. The ancient layout has been preserved by careful maintenance of the stone walls over 24 centuries.",,,"Cultural; (ii, iii, v)",,,,,For other more formats kindly visit,,,,,,,,Original source :,,,,