Download Excel File List of World Heritage Sites in Madagascar


This contains list of three World Heritage Sites of Madagascar.

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SNo,Name,Location,Region,Year,UNESCO data,Description1,Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve,1840?S 4445?E? / ?18.667S 44.750E,Melaky,1990,"494; vii, x","At the Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve, gradual erosion has produced vast fields of karst limestone spires known locally as tsingy. This singular landscape is interspersed with dry forests, lakes and mangrove swamps inhabited by numerous endemic and threatened lemur and bird species."2,Royal Hill of Ambohimanga,1845?S 4733?E? / ?18.750S 47.550E,Analamanga,2001,"950; iii, iv, vi","The Royal Hill of Ambohimanga in the central highlands has been a spiritual and political center for the Merina people since at least the 16th century. Home to numerous kings (including Andrianampoinimerina, who undertook the ultimately successful initiative to unite the island of Madagascar under a single ruler) and designated site of many sacred royal rituals, the hill and the village that crowns it remain sites of pilgrimage to this day."3,Rainforests of the Atsinanana,1427?S 4942?E? / ?14.450S 49.700E,"Sava, Analanjirofo, Haute Matsiatra, Vatovavy-Fitovinany, Ihorombe, Anosy",2007,"1257; ix,x",The six national parks that make up the Rainforests of the Atsinanana host a wide array of the distinctive flora and fauna endemic to Madagascar's rainforest ecosystems. The plant and animal life in these parks are threatened as the demands of a growing human population hasten deforestation and the fragmentation of remaining forests.,,,,,,,,,,,,This site was inscribed on the list of World Heritage in Danger in 2010 due to an increase in illegal logging in the parks following the 2009 coup d'tat.,,,,,,For other more formats kindly visit,,,,,,,,,,,,Original source :,,,,,,