Download Excel List Of Nobel Prize Winners Of Austria


This list contains information about the Nobel prizes winners of Austria. It includes 22 laureates who have been awarded the Nobel Prize. The list includes details such as the year of the award, the names of the laureates, and the respective categories in which they were recognized. The list can be obtained in various file formats such as MS Excel, CSV, PDF, and a compressed file that contains all the formats.

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S.No.,Year,Nobel Laureates,Category1,2022,Anton Zeilinger, Physics2,2019,Peter Handke, Literature3,2013,Martin Karplus, Chemistry4,2004,Elfriede Jelinek, Literature5,2000,Eric Kandel, Physiology or Medicine6,1998,Walter Kohn, Chemistry7,1974,Friedrich Hayek, Economics8,1973,Konrad Lorenz, Physiology or Medicine9,1973,Karl von Frisch, Physiology or Medicine10,1962,Max Perutz, Chemistry11,1945,Wolfgang Pauli, Physics12,1938,Richard Kuhn, Chemistry13,1936,Otto Loewi, Physiology or Medicine14,1936,Victor Francis Hess, Physics15,1933,Erwin Schrdinger, Physics16,1930,Karl Landsteiner, Physiology or Medicine17,1927,Julius Wagner-Jauregg, Physiology or Medicine18,1925,Richard Adolf Zsigmondy, Chemistry19,1923,Fritz Pregl, Chemistry20,1914,Rbert Brny, Physiology or Medicine21,1911,Alfred Hermann Fried, Peace22,1905,Bertha von Suttner, Peace,,,,,,