

Download List Of Parishes Of Portugal

Portugal is divided into 18 districts and 2 autonomous regions. These districts and autonomous regions are further divided into 308 concelhos (municipalities). Municipalities are further sub-divided into freguesias (parishes).


Download List Of Sub-Prefecture Of Guinea

Guinea is divided into 8 regions. Out of which 1 regions is divided into 5 communes and remaining 7 regions are further divided into 34 prefectures. Prefectures are further subdivided into 341 sub-prefectures.


Download List Of Cities In Tunisia

Tunisia is divided into 24 governorates. Governorates are further divided into 264 delegations. Delegations are further sub-divided into municipalities.


Download List Of Delegations Of Tunisia

Tunisia is divided into 24 governorates. Governorates are further divided into 264 delegations. Delegations are further sub-divided into municipalities.


Download List Of Municipalities Of Germany

Germany is divided into 16 states. Out of these states 4 are divided into regierungsbezirke and remaining states are further divided into 402 districts. Districts are further divided into municipalities.


Download List Of Districts Of Tanzania

Tanzania is divided into 30 regions. Regions are further divided into 169 districts. Districts are further sub-divided into divisions. Divisions are further sub-divided into wards.


Download List Of Gminas Of Poland

Poland is divided into 16 voivodeships (provinces). Voivodeships are further divided into 379 powiats (counties). Powiats are further sub-divided into 2479 gminas (communes or municipalities).


Download List Of Municipalities Of Belgium

Belgium is divided into 3 regions. Out of these 2 regions are further divided into 10 provinces. These provinces are further divided into 43 arrondissements. Arrondissements are further sub-divided into 589 municipalities.


Download List Of Regions Of Belgium

Belgium is divided into 3 regions. Out of these 2 regions are further divided into 10 provinces. These provinces are further divided into 43 arrondissements. Arrondissements are further sub-divided into 589 municipalities.



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